Where is the Farm situated?

The Swan Valley Cuddly Animal Farm is located at 128 John Street HENLEY BROOK, Western Australia

What is the cost of farm entry?

Please refer to the pricing listed to the right.

Are you open on Public Holidays (i.e. Christmas Day, Easter, New Year’s Day?

The farm is open from 9.30am till 4pm every day except Christmas Day and Boxing Day

Do you have Annual Passes?

Yes we do, for information click HERE

Do you take in orphaned or unwanted farm animals?

We often accept lambs, kids and calves etc. but acceptance depends upon the number of animals held on the farm as we have limited room, but if we can help, we will.

Do you sell any animals?

When our babies are weaned we offer them for sale to people wanting very friendly pets and/or lawnmowers, weed eaters etc.(lambs, goats, calves, pigs not for consumption). For details, call the Farm on 0424 209730.

Do you sell chickens, rabbits and guinea pigs?

Yes, if you are looking for well handled, loveable, friendly little critters, call the farm
on 0424 209730 to check availability.

Do you accept Volunteers or Students on Work Experience?

Yes we do, to find out details please click HERE

How do I get a job at the Cuddly Animal Farm?

To enquire about joining the Cuddly Animal Farm Crew, click HERE

I am seeking a donation for a Charity/Fundraiser, what is the process?

The Swan Valley Cuddly Animal Farm contributes to numerous good
causes each year, please email details to info@cuddlyanimalfarm.com.au